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Eu Linko

19 de maio de 2010

Introducing Character Animation with Blender

Tony Mullen is finishing his upcoming book ‘Introducing Character Animation with Blender‘. From what I can see so far it is going to be a fantastic addition to the Blender library. I also think that it is a sign of the maturity of Blender that people are now writing books about specific Blender aspects (as opposed to books that try to cover Blender in its entirety).

Tony writes:

Hello Blenderers,

I wanted to let people know that Introducing Character Animation with Blender is progressing very well. I have been working hard on it and the manuscript is pretty much done, pending revisions. It’s very much light-at-the-end-of-the-tunnel time…

I’m really excited about how it’s been going. I think the book covers a lot of ground and I’m eager to see what people think. I managed to get a fascinating inside look at a rig from the Plumiferos production, which I think will be a real treat for people to learn about, since it uses several rigging techniques that I’ve rarely seen discussed elsewhere. There’s also an excellent gallery of renders contributed by Blender users and some great animations on the accompanying DVD.

However, the real occasion for this post is to let people know that the book is now available for pre-order (or just to admire the cover) at Amazon! Check it out here: Introducing Character Animation with Blender

I’d also like to congratulate the artists whose work made the cover, Sago, Hollykaz, The Orange Team, and BullX! I had nothing to do with the design or art selection, myself, but I’m very pleased with what the folks at Sybex have come up with.

I’ll be presenting an overview of the content of the book at the Blender Conference next month, which I’m really looking forward to. Hope to see many of you there!

1 comentários:

please, share this in mediafire.

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